This plugin adds a custom field in the checkout page to ask your customers where they heard about your store.
This plugin also offers an „Other” field where your customer can provide a specific answer in a separate textbox.
- Easily change the labels and choices for the custom field in the checkout page.
- View reports on the „Reports” section in WooCommerce.
- Enable/disable the custom field to be required on checkout.
- Enable/disable the „Other” field.
- Modify order statuses you want to include in the reports.
- Export Orders with Customer Source field
Capturi ecran
Install via the WordPress Dashboard:
- Login to your WordPress Dashboard.
- Navigate to Plugins, and select „Add New” to go to the „Add Plugins” page.
- In the right side, enter „Where Did You Hear About Us Checkout Field for WooCommerce” in the search input bar, and press Enter.
- Click install, and wait for the plugin to download. Once done, activate the plugin.
Install via FTP:
- Extract the zip file, login using your ftp client, and upload the storefront-site-logo folder to your
directory - Login to your WordPress Dashboard.
- Go to „Plugins” and activate „Where Did You Hear About Us Checkout Field for WooCommerce” plugin.
Întrebări frecvente
Where can I find the report page?
You can find the report page by navigating to WooCommerce > Reports and click on the „Customer Source” tab.
Where can I find the settings?
You can find the settings page by navigating to WooCommerce > Reports and click on the „Customer Source” tab, and then click on the „Settings” link on the sub-navigation.
Contributori și dezvoltatori
„Where Did You Hear About Us Checkout Field for WooCommerce” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.
Contributori„Where Did You Hear About Us Checkout Field for WooCommerce” a fost tradus în 2 locale. Mulțumim traducătorilor pentru contribuția lor.
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Răsfoiește codul, vezi depozitarul SVN, sau abonează-te la jurnalul de dezvoltare prin RSS.
Istoric modificări
- initial release
- Logged Out user can now see the form
- Tested with WordPress 4.9.2
- Tested with Storefront 2.2.7
- Tested with WooCommerce 3.2.6
- Added Order Export Feature
- Tested with WordPress 5.2.1
- Tested with Storefront 2.5.0
- Tested with WooCommerce 3.6.4
- Updated code as suggested by @d9media
- Updated code for tanslations
- moved menu location due to deprecation of Reports section
- updated codes for php8 compatibility
* fixed php 8 compatibility
* fixed export php notice
* patched XSS Vulnerability
* patched XSS Vulnerability (updated escaping code)
* fixed translation issue of ‘Other’ field