Acest modul nu a fost testat cu ultimele 3 versiuni importante ale WordPress. S-ar putea să nu mai fie întreținut sau susținut și ar putea avea probleme de compatibilitate când este folosit cu versiuni recente ale WordPress.

Spreadshop Plugin


With this plugin, you can easily host a top-notch ecommerce shop in WordPress while staying up-to-date with the latest features of your Spreadshop.
This is achieved by embedding your existing Spreadshop as-is into any WordPress post, page or path.
Both the plugin and your Spreadshop are fully free of charge. Always.

What you need
* Installed WordPress instance
* A Spreadshop (which can be registered here)


  1. Download the plugin’s *.zip file.
  2. Go to the plugin menu within your WP dashboard.
  3. Upload the *.zip file to your content folder.
  4. Activate the plugin.
  5. Follow the steps in the Spreadshop admin menu.

Întrebări frecvente

What is the Plugin for?

This plugin is for people who are running a Spreadshop (which might look like this) and want to make that Spreadshop available in their WordPress system.
If you do not have a Spreadshop yet, you can open one free of charge.

How do I use the plugin?

Once you activate the plugin, you will be redirected to the plugin’s admin menu. Follow the presented steps to connect your Spreadshop with your WordPress system. Info on how to embed your SpreadShop is then also given in the admin menu. The admin menu can be accessed any time from the left-hand bar.

Is there a difference between a stand-alone Spreadshop and the plugin?

No, this plugin will simply embed your Spreadshop as-is into your WordPress system.

How does this work from a technical point of view?

This plugin simply performs a „Website Integration with JavaScript” under the hood, as explained here.
The advantage of using this plugin is that you do not need to write any code yourself.

Can I use the plugin to make my Spreadshop the start page of my site?

Most WordPress themes come with a pre-installed start page layout. The plugin is not able to overwrite this setting, but you can usually embed your Spreadshop into the start page.
If you just want to run your Spreadshop on your own domain and nothing else, we recommend not to use WordPress at all but to follow the steps described here.

Which platform am I using?

Simply put, if you signed up on .com, .ca or, your Spreadshop runs on the North American platform. All other domains imply you are based on the European platform.
This information is only relevant to you if a shop with the same ID or name exists on both platforms and you have to specify which one is yours.

Where can I get more support?

Visit our forum and get to know other Shop Owners who can help. Spreadshop staff is also available there.

What If I deactivate the plugin?

Spreadshop will disappear from your WordPress system. This, however, does not affect your stand-alone Spreadshop in any way.

How do I uninstall the plugin?

  1. Go to your WordPress plugin section.
  2. Click „deactivate” on your Spreadshop plugin.
  3. Click „delete” on your Spreadshop plugin.


30 octombrie 2023
Trying to get support for the issues with the plugin is nearly impossible. Spreadshop will tell you that you need to review some development articles when you tell them there is an issue with their plugin and the current version of Wordpress. Its a compatibility issue because, as of the writing of this rating they haven’t updated the plugin in over 7 months, meaning it has not been certified to work with the last 3 major releases of WordPress. They push using the plugin a lot when you are new to SpreadShop. The fact that support and performance were sub-par left a bad taste in my mouth. Don’t push something you don’t actively support and update.
4 aprilie 2023
Mir gefällt das Plugin sehr gut! Es ist einfach zu integrieren und es funktioniert. Leider gibt es fast keine Einstellungsmöglichkeiten und für SEO ist es auch nicht optimal. Ansonsten sehr gut.
16 martie 2023
I installed this plugin on my Divi site and created pages that would display the items in my shop. Unfortunately every color and size option was treated with unique URL that was indexed on Google. I had about 1500 pages indexed for Google index that was harming my site’s SEO because they were really unnecessary „zombie pages”. I couldn’t control creation of these URLs with the plugin any way. Took me 3 months to discover and have them deleted on Google index. Phew!
19 februarie 2021
I had first installed the other plugin, since it had 68 reviews, and this one only had the one review. However, the other was cumbersome to sort out, required getting additional info and id’s elsewhere, and once installed, didn’t work well on my website. For instance the basket was just a black rectangle. So I deleted that one. Then I decided to install this one after all. I was surprised at how easy it was. It only took a couple of minutes, just install, share the shop id, enter the shortcode [spreadshop] on your shop page, and the shop appears exactly as you have defined it for your Spreadshop Partner account. So I highly recommend this one, and I am so happy that I took the plunge. Hopefully by adding this 2nd 5-star rating more people will too!
23 iulie 2018
I like the Plug-In very much for the easy-to-install setup. In about 5-10 min you can setup your Spreadshirt Shop on your own WordPress-Website. Why nearly perfect? I wanted to host more than one shop on my website. I would love to have this feature. It should be possible to add shops on the Plug-In Editor Page. Best Regards
Citește toate cele 6 recenzii

Contributori și dezvoltatori

„Spreadshop Plugin” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.


Istoric modificări


  • Fixed a CSRF vulnerability


  • Prevent redirect to the plugin’s admin page any time another (unrelated) plugin was activated.


  • Prevent „noindex” from appearing in slug-based integrations when used in conjunction with the Yoast SEO plugin


  • Moved to the new myspreadshop domain, explained here


  • Fixed a SEO issue where slug-based integrations returned HTTP 404 although the content was included correctly in the response body


  • Enforce HTTPS requests


  • Reworked admin UI entirely
  • Fixed several issues with the „Optimize Url / Push State URLs” feature
  • Fixed an issue where the Spreadshop would appear in unintended places
  • Included an option to load Spreadshop fonts
  • Optimized site speed


  • Bugfix: Set the puhStateBaseUrl direct to the shop url except additional shop tokens. Add more specific infos to the backend modul of spreadshop.


  • Update: Raise the plugin version for the current WordPress version 5.3.*
  • Bugfix: Set integer values for optimizeUrl, swipe-menu and meta-data toggles


  • New feature: possibility of shortcode insertion
  • Change: Edit-button in the modul is shown as button and no longer als mouse-over


  • change styling in settings menu / update content text


  • added FAQ link and change styling for buttons


  • added SpreadShop SwipeMenu option


  • added/refactored SpreadShop Country selection


  • added SpreadShop Metadata option


  • added SpreadShop Token option


  • changed visual styles of backend SpreadShop settings
  • changed backend main picture
  • small improvements


  • fixed internal platform selection bug


  • fixed missing title bug


  • internationalization fixes


  • well, no changes again only trying to figure out what went wrong in the release process


  • any reference to altering the main navigation was removed as it caused severe issues with some templates


  • integrated better language/locale support to prevent, that shops show up empty
  • added the js files that got lost in tag 1.1.1


  • fixed problems with setup of shop data that stood in conflice to other plugins
  • css fix for the backend to only display „edit settings” on request


  • Added option to change settings w/o reinitializing plugin
  • Added opttion to define top padding for shop in case navigation of theme conflicts with shop


  • Initial release for the plugin MVP.
  • Features definition of shopID and platform to integrate a SpreadShop into your WordPress instance.