Acest modul nu a fost testat cu ultimele 3 versiuni importante ale WordPress. S-ar putea să nu mai fie întreținut sau susținut și ar putea avea probleme de compatibilitate când este folosit cu versiuni recente ale WordPress.

Network Privacy


This plugin adds 2 privacy options in a single install and 3 in a network install. In a network install the network administrators (Super admins) have the option to set the privacy setting for the entire network. When the privacy is set for the entire network, the extra privacy options are not shown on individual site’s Settings -> Privacy.


In a single site WordPress install adds the following privacy options:

  • I would like my site to be visible only to Site subscribers.
  • I would like my site to be visible only to Site administrators.

In a WordPress network activated on an individual site adds the following privacy options:

  • I would like my site to be visible only to Registered network users.
  • I would like my site to be visible only to Site subscribers.
  • I would like my site to be visible only to Site administrators.
  • I would like my site to be visible only to Site contributors (and above)

When Network Activated or in the mu-plugins folder in a WordPress network adds the following:

  • A privacy selector in the Network Admin -> Settings page to allow individual site privacy or the 3 above across to network.

Support can be obtained through:

Try the WordPress Forums first


Ron & Andrea

To Do

  • Update the robots.txt process to use the constants/functions for wp-content, wp-includes and wp-admin directories (in case those items are in a non-standard location, or the install is in a subdirectory)


  1. To install in the mu-plugins folder Upload ra-network-privacy.php to the /wp-content/mu-plugins/ directory. It will be listed in your „Must Use” plugins list and always active.
  2. To install in the plugins folder Upload the network-privacy folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. It will be listed in your regular plugins list.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Întrebări frecvente

Why did I receive an email from Google saying the my CSS and JS files are blocked?

By default, this plugin generates a robots.txt file that blocks bot access to the following directories:

  • ''
  • '/wp-admin'
  • '/wp-includes'
  • '/wp-login.php'
  • '/wp-content/plugins'
  • '/wp-content/cache'
  • '/wp-content/themes'
  • '/trackback'
  • '/comments'

If you are having issues with this, you can filter the list of directories that are blocked in the robots.txt file by using the ra_network_privacy_robots_disallow filter. If you want to allow access to specific directories or files, you can also use the ra_network_privacy_robots_allow filter to populate the array of allowed items.


3 septembrie 2016
Golden oldie that I use on all my staging sites. Although originally developed for Multisite, it works brilliant on standalone sites too, for which I mostly use the plugin.
3 septembrie 2016
Other privacy plugins where causing weird login and session problems. Switched to this one and everything works perfectly from the start. Thanks!
Citește toate cele 7 recenzii

Contributori și dezvoltatori

„Network Privacy” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.


Istoric modificări


  • add ra_network_privacy_robots_disallow filter to allow filtering the list of directories that are disallowed by robots.txt
  • add ra_network_privacy_robots_allow filter to allow adding specific directories that should allow bot access (empty array by default)


  • add ‘ra_network_privacy_caps’ filter
  • change default cap for administrators from add_users to promote_users
  • insert fix for BuddyPress thanks to Simon Wheatley


  • Fix bug in „Network Users” option


  • update to be compatible with WP 3.3
  • remove Edit site option due to hook changes in WP


  • fix login redirect check for public & non public sites


  • Original version.