Interactive Posts Package Manager (IPPM) brings packages to WordPress. A package is a zip file containing assets such as CSS, JavaScript, and images. You can attach the CSS and JavaScript script to a post by adding a package to it. From there you may enhance the experience of posts to whatever your heart desires with beautiful animations and interactive experiences.
Acest modul oferă 2 blocuri.
- IPPM: Assets Add CSS and or JavaScript to a post.
- IPPM: Dependencies Add JavaScript dependencies to a post.
Upload the Interactive Posts plugin to your blog, activate it, and done.
Nu există nicio verificare pentru acest modul.
Contributori și dezvoltatori
„Interactive Posts” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.
ContributoriTradu „Interactive Posts” în limba ta.
Te interesează dezvoltarea?
Răsfoiește codul, vezi depozitarul SVN, sau abonează-te la jurnalul de dezvoltare prin RSS.
Istoric modificări
1.0.1 Fixed several minor directory and empty array bugs.
1.0.2 Optimize builds. Fixed several bugs.