Sortable ID columns for all standard data types in WordPress admin panel.
No settings pages. It just works.
ID columns will be first in admin panel tables.
Supported entities:
* posts, pages, attachments, any custom post types
* category, term, any custom taxonomies
* users (including Multisite users)
* comments
* links (the legacy WP feature)
* blogs (aka „sites”) in Multisite Admin panel
Întrebări frecvente
How to change the width of the column?
Here is the example of PHP-code that can be pasted (for example in functions.php of your theme, or as a tiny plugin/mu-plugin).
The current default value is65px
add_action( 'admin_head', function () {
echo PHP_EOL . '<style type="text/css">table.widefat th.column-hh_id { width: 80px !important; } </style>' . PHP_EOL;
} );
Contributori și dezvoltatori
„HH sortable ID columns” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.
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Te interesează dezvoltarea?
Răsfoiește codul, vezi depozitarul SVN, sau abonează-te la jurnalul de dezvoltare prin RSS.
Istoric modificări
3.0.0 – 2022.01.31
- Add the „ID” column for Multisite Blogs and Multisite Users
- Update „Tested up to” header: 5.5 -> 5.9
- Update „Requires at least” header: 4.9 -> 5.7
- Rework the content of readme.txt file
- Refactor the codebase of the plugin
- Add automated end-to-end tests for the output of the plugin
2.1.0 – 2021.07.07
- Increase width of the „ID” column: 50px -> 65px , so now it can display 6 chars without a line break (#1)
- Add the link to the Github repository of the plugin to readme.txt
- Change „Tested up to” header: 5.5 -> 5.7
- Update „Requires PHP” header: 5.3 -> 5.6
- Update „Plugin URI” and „Author URI” links in the entry PHP file
2.0.3 – 2020.11.21
- Checked compatibility with WordPress <= 5.5
2.0.2 – 2017.03.16
- Fix PHP 5.3 compatibility
2.0.1 – 2017.02.24
- Fix plugin meta and „Changelog” tab in readme.txt
2.0.0 – 2017.02.24
- Code style changes
- Change „Tested up to” meta-field to „4.7.2”
- Change „Requires at least” meta-field to „4.6”
- Change „Plugin URI” meta-field
- Change „Author URI” meta-field
- Remove unnecessary code
- Change column insert algorithm
- Add „Differences from „Reveal IDs” plugin” section in readme.txt
- Add „Plugins with same functionality” section in readme.txt
1.0.0 – 2013.04.30
- Initial release.