Acest modul nu a fost testat cu ultimele 3 versiuni importante ale WordPress. S-ar putea să nu mai fie întreținut sau susținut și ar putea avea probleme de compatibilitate când este folosit cu versiuni recente ale WordPress.

Comment Probation


Comment Probation allows you to put a comment author on „probation.”

If you allow comments to automatically appear from authors who already have an approved comment,
this plugin gives you a bit more control. It lets you approve a comment but place the author
under probation, meaning that any future comments from that author will need to be moderated again.

When approving a comment, you’re given the option to „Approve” the comment, or „Approve with Probation.”
If a comment ended up in moderation because the author is on probation, „approving” the comment will
remove the author from the probation list.

Capturi ecran

  • Two ways to approve a comment: ‘Approve’ and ‘Approve with Probation’.


This plugin only works if you’ve enabled the setting „Comment author must have a previously approved comment”
on the Discussion Settings Screen.

Întrebări frecvente

Why am I not seeing „probation” links when moderating comments?

This plugin only works if you’ve enabled the setting „Comment author must have a previously approved comment”
on the Discussion Settings Screen.


Nu există nicio verificare pentru acest modul.

Contributori și dezvoltatori

„Comment Probation” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.
