Etichetă modul: states
States, Cities, and Places for WooCommerce
(28 total aprecieri)WordPress plugin that shows dropdowns for State and City Select for WooCommerce.
Country State City Dropdown CF7
(30 total aprecieri)Add country state city dropdown CF7 in contact form 7 plugin. In PRO you can use these features on any type of form.
Portugal States (Distritos) for WooCommerce
(9 total aprecieri)This plugin adds the Portuguese "States", known as "Distritos", to WooCommerce and sets the correct address format for Portugal.
WC Provincia Canton Distrito
(5 total aprecieri)This plugin allows you to populate your custom states, cities, and postcodes for WooCommerce.
City Dropdown For Woocommerce
(3 total aprecieri)This Plugin change Woocommerce City input into a dropdown, based on states. Works only with Romania country!
Region City Landing Pages Builder
(0 total aprecieri)Build Multiple Geographically Targeted Landing Pages Quickly Using Generic Text & Automatically Inserted City Names.
Woocommerce Egypt Citites
(1 total aprecieri)A short plugin that adds Egypt cities to WooCommerce's list of states.
Visited US States
(0 total aprecieri)Uses amMap's JavaScript maps to display a map of visited places via shortcode.
NA E-Commerce Egypt Cities/States
(0 total aprecieri)Help to add all Egypt Cities/States for WooCommerce Check Out, And Setup to be transleted With WPML Plugin .
WooCommerce Drop-Down Cities
(0 total aprecieri)Wordpress plugin that shows dropdowns for State and City Select for WooCommerce.