Etichetă modul: activate
Meks Quick Plugin Disabler
(6 total aprecieri)Temporarily disable (and restore) all currently active plugins with a single click
(47 total aprecieri)Allows WordPress admins to manage unactivated users, by activating them manually, deleting their pending registrations, or resending the activation em …
WordPress Changelog
(2 total aprecieri)WordPress changelog – logs any uploads, updates, installations/uninstallations, activations/deactivations of themes, plugins and WordPress core.
Show Plugin Menu Items on Activation
(1 total aprecieri)Identify any newly added menu items on plugin activation.
Bulk Deactivate
(6 total aprecieri)Bulk deactivate and activate WordPress plugins. Saves which plugins were deactivated.
MDC Theme Switcher
(13 total aprecieri)Allow visitors to choose and preview from available themes from front-end. Different themes for different visitors simultaneously!
Reveal Network Activated Plugins
(4 total aprecieri)Displays Network-Activated and Must-Use (MU) plugins, and Drop-ins on the Installed Plugins Admin panel for individual sites of a WordPress Network.
(1 total aprecieri)This plugin automatically activate all Plugins from WP_PLUGIN_DIR.