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Această temă nu a mai fost actualizată de peste doi ani. S-ar putea să nu mai aibă mentenanță sau suport și să întâmpini probleme de compatibilitate când o utilizezi cu versiunile mai recente de WordPress.


De InkHive

Versiune: 1.0.7

Ultima actualizare: 24 aprilie 2019

Instalări active: 1.000+

Prima pagină a temei

Are you a Professional Photographer in Need of Showcasing His work in the Best Possible Way? Well, We have got you Covered. Lens is a Premium Quality WordPress which has been designed keeping in mind, the needs of a Professional Photographer or Companies. It has a Beautiful Gallery Layout, An About Me Secion, Multiple Layouts to Display Photos on HomePage, a Responsive Slider, a Featured Photos Section and much more. Lens is Full Responsive working on all Devices, Retina Ready and Translation Ready. THEME DEMO ->


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