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Interserver Platinum

De InterServer

Versiune: 1.1.9

Ultima actualizare: 3 septembrie 2021

Instalări active: 200+

Versiune PHP: 7.3 sau una ulterioară

Prima pagină a temei

Interserver Platinum is a latest portfolio theme for various type of businesses. It is easily customizable and have various options in the admin section for the pages and the layouts. Follow these steps to manage Home page :1. Create a new page and choose the Front Page Template for this page. 2. Go to Appearancs > Customize > Static Front Page and set the above page as a static page for front page displays. 3. The slider on the homepage is from smart slider plugin so you can customize it from Smart Slider Menu in the dashboard. The sections of the home page can be managed from Appearancs > Customize > Home Page Sections.


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