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De MetricThemes

Versiune: 1.0.11

Ultima actualizare: 13 iunie 2020

Instalări active: 100+

Versiune WordPress: 5.1 sau una ulterioară

Versiune PHP: 5.6 sau una ulterioară

Prima pagină a temei

Inbox is an unconventional WordPress Blogging Theme that is designed to make your website look like a Email App. With its 4 Column layout, Inbox WordPress theme makes it easier to lay out your posts, content, sidebar and social menu in easy to view design. Like a modern email app, Inbox WordPress Theme does not include a full page scrolling effect but rather each section has its own scrolling effect making it effective to showcase a lot of content without loosing the email app like effect. Inbox WordPress Theme is carefully optimized to work in all kinds of devices, be it desktop, mobile or tablet. Inbox is built using latest Twitter Bootstrap CSS Framework to magically layout each columns according to the device width. Inbox also comes with unlimited color customization option so you can customize each section of your site with whatever color you prefer. Theme demo:


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