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Forum: Probleme și soluții
În răspuns la: Modificarea restrictiilor unui formuite ce vreau eu sa modific: sa citesc cod CSS, HTML si PHP, insa acele erori nu stiu de unde sunt!
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Forum: Probleme și soluții
În răspuns la: Modificarea restrictiilor unui formFisierul sursa:
<?php if ( ! isset( $_SESSION ) ) session_start(); /* Template Name: Contact Page */ ?> <?php $et_ptemplate_settings = array(); $et_ptemplate_settings = maybe_unserialize( get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'et_ptemplate_settings',true) ); $fullwidth = isset( $et_ptemplate_settings['et_fullwidthpage'] ) ? (bool) $et_ptemplate_settings['et_fullwidthpage'] : false; $et_regenerate_numbers = isset( $et_ptemplate_settings['et_regenerate_numbers'] ) ? (bool) $et_ptemplate_settings['et_regenerate_numbers'] : false; $et_error_message = ''; $et_contact_error = false; if ( isset($_POST['et_contactform_submit']) ) { if ( !isset($_POST['et_contact_captcha']) || empty($_POST['et_contact_captcha']) ) { $et_error_message .= '<p>' . esc_html__('Make sure you entered the captcha. ','SimplePress') . '</p>'; $et_contact_error = true; } else if ( $_POST['et_contact_captcha'] <> ( $_SESSION['et_first_digit'] + $_SESSION['et_second_digit'] ) ) { $et_numbers_string = $et_regenerate_numbers ? esc_html__('Numbers regenerated.','SimplePress') : ''; $et_error_message .= '<p>' . esc_html__('You entered the wrong number in captcha. ','SimplePress') . $et_numbers_string . '</p>'; if ($et_regenerate_numbers) { unset( $_SESSION['et_first_digit'] ); unset( $_SESSION['et_second_digit'] ); } $et_contact_error = true; } else if ( empty($_POST['et_contact_name']) || empty($_POST['et_contact_email']) || empty($_POST['et_contact_subject']) || empty($_POST['et_contact_message']) ){ $et_error_message .= '<p>' . esc_html__('Make sure you fill all fields. ','SimplePress') . '</p>'; $et_contact_error = true; } if ( !is_email( $_POST['et_contact_email'] ) ) { $et_error_message .= '<p>' . esc_html__('Invalid Email. ','SimplePress') . '</p>'; $et_contact_error = true; } } else { $et_contact_error = true; if ( isset($_SESSION['et_first_digit'] ) ) unset( $_SESSION['et_first_digit'] ); if ( isset($_SESSION['et_second_digit'] ) ) unset( $_SESSION['et_second_digit'] ); } if ( !isset($_SESSION['et_first_digit'] ) ) $_SESSION['et_first_digit'] = $et_first_digit = rand(1, 15); else $et_first_digit = $_SESSION['et_first_digit']; if ( !isset($_SESSION['et_second_digit'] ) ) $_SESSION['et_second_digit'] = $et_second_digit = rand(1, 15); else $et_second_digit = $_SESSION['et_second_digit']; if ( ! $et_contact_error && isset( $_POST['_wpnonce-et-contact-form-submitted'] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['_wpnonce-et-contact-form-submitted'], 'et-contact-form-submit' ) ) { $et_email_to = ( isset($et_ptemplate_settings['et_email_to']) && !empty($et_ptemplate_settings['et_email_to']) ) ? $et_ptemplate_settings['et_email_to'] : get_site_option('admin_email'); $et_site_name = is_multisite() ? $current_site->site_name : get_bloginfo('name'); $contact_name = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['et_contact_name'] ); $contact_email = sanitize_email( $_POST['et_contact_email'] ); $headers = 'From: ' . $contact_name . ' <' . $contact_email . '>' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Reply-To: ' . $contact_name . ' <' . $contact_email . '>'; wp_mail( apply_filters( 'et_contact_page_email_to', $et_email_to ), sprintf( '[%s] ' . sanitize_text_field( $_POST['et_contact_subject'] ), $et_site_name ), wp_strip_all_tags( $_POST['et_contact_message'] ), apply_filters( 'et_contact_page_headers', $headers, $contact_name, $contact_email ) ); $et_error_message = '<p>' . esc_html__('Thanks for contacting us','SimplePress') . '</p>'; } ?> <?php get_header(); ?> <div id="content"<?php if ( $fullwidth ) echo ' class="full"'; ?>> <div class="content_wrap<?php if( $fullwidth ) echo ' full'; ?>"> <div class="content_wrap<?php if ( $fullwidth ) echo ' full'; ?>"> <div id="posts"<?php if( $fullwidth ) echo 'class="post_full"'; ?>> <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <?php if (get_option('simplepress_integration_single_top') <> '' && get_option('simplepress_integrate_singletop_enable') == 'on') echo(get_option('simplepress_integration_single_top')); ?> <?php $thumb = ''; $width = 182; $height = 182; $classtext = ''; $titletext = get_the_title(); $thumbnail = get_thumbnail($width,$height,$classtext,$titletext,$titletext); $thumb = $thumbnail["thumb"]; ?> <h1 class="title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1> <br class="clear" /> <div class="post<?php if($fullwidth) echo(' post_full');?>"> <?php if ($thumb <> '' && get_option('simplepress_page_thumbnails') == 'on') { ?> <div class="thumb"> <div> <span class="image" style="background-image: url(<?php print_thumbnail($thumb, $thumbnail["use_timthumb"], $titletext, $width, $height, $classtext, true, true); ?>);"> <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/thumb-overlay.png" alt="" /> </span> </div> <span class="shadow"></span> </div> <?php }; ?> <?php the_content(''); ?> <br class="clear" /> <div id="et-contact"> <div id="et-contact-message"><?php echo($et_error_message); ?> </div> <?php if ( $et_contact_error ) { ?> <form action="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink( get_the_ID() ) ); ?>" method="post" id="et_contact_form"> <div id="et_contact_left"> <p class="clearfix"> <label for="et_contact_name" class="et_contact_form_label"><?php esc_html_e('Name','SimplePress'); ?></label> <input type="text" name="et_contact_name" value="<?php if ( isset($_POST['et_contact_name']) ) echo esc_attr($_POST['et_contact_name']); else esc_attr_e('Name','SimplePress'); ?>" id="et_contact_name" class="input" /> </p> <p class="clearfix"> <label for="et_contact_email" class="et_contact_form_label"><?php esc_html_e('Email Address','SimplePress'); ?></label> <input type="text" name="et_contact_email" value="<?php if ( isset($_POST['et_contact_email']) ) echo esc_attr($_POST['et_contact_email']); else esc_attr_e('Email Address','SimplePress'); ?>" id="et_contact_email" class="input" /> </p> <p class="clearfix"> <label for="et_contact_subject" class="et_contact_form_label"><?php esc_html_e('Subject','SimplePress'); ?></label> <input type="text" name="et_contact_subject" value="<?php if ( isset($_POST['et_contact_subject']) ) echo esc_attr($_POST['et_contact_subject']); else esc_attr_e('Subject','SimplePress'); ?>" id="et_contact_subject" class="input" /> </p> </div> <!-- #et_contact_left --> <div id="et_contact_right"> <p class="clearfix"> <?php esc_html_e('Captcha: ','SimplePress'); echo '<br/>'; echo esc_attr($et_first_digit) . ' + ' . esc_attr($et_second_digit) . ' = '; ?> <input type="text" name="et_contact_captcha" value="<?php if ( isset($_POST['et_contact_captcha']) ) echo esc_attr($_POST['et_contact_captcha']); ?>" id="et_contact_captcha" class="input" size="2" /> </p> </div> <!-- #et_contact_right --> <div class="clear"></div> <p class="clearfix"> <label for="et_contact_message" class="et_contact_form_label"><?php esc_html_e('Message','SimplePress'); ?></label> <textarea class="input" id="et_contact_message" name="et_contact_message"><?php if ( isset($_POST['et_contact_message']) ) echo esc_textarea($_POST['et_contact_message']); else echo esc_textarea( __('Message','SimplePress') ); ?></textarea> </p> <input type="hidden" name="et_contactform_submit" value="et_contact_proccess" /> <input type="reset" id="et_contact_reset" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Reset','SimplePress'); ?>" /> <input class="et_contact_submit" type="submit" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Submit','SimplePress'); ?>" id="et_contact_submit" /> <?php wp_nonce_field( 'et-contact-form-submit', '_wpnonce-et-contact-form-submitted' ); ?> </form> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- end #et-contact --> <div class="clear"></div> <?php edit_post_link(esc_html__('Edit this page','SimplePress')); ?> <?php if (get_option('simplepress_integration_single_bottom') <> '' && get_option('simplepress_integrate_singlebottom_enable') == 'on') echo(get_option('simplepress_integration_single_bottom')); ?> <?php if (get_option('simplepress_468_enable') == 'on') { ?> <?php if(get_option('simplepress_468_adsense') <> '') echo(get_option('simplepress_468_adsense')); else { ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url(get_option('simplepress_468_url')); ?>"><img src="<?php echo esc_url(get_option('simplepress_468_image')); ?>" alt="468 ad" class="foursixeight" /></a> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div><!-- .post --> <?php endwhile; endif; ?> </div><!-- #posts --> <?php if (!$fullwidth) get_sidebar(); ?> </div><!-- .content_wrap --> </div><!-- .content_wrap --> </div><!-- #content --> </div><!-- .wrapper --> <?php get_footer(); ?>
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