• Rezolvat ciprianp


    Hi there, first post here, and apologies if I didn’t get the section right.

    I’m having these issue with my WordPress products editing/cloning/deleting, where I almost weekly, accidentally press the Empty Trash button near the Filter one (or so probably are their names, I have them in my native language atm). To add new products I clone old or deleted products a lot (its easier obviously) and start from there, but sometimes with deleted ones I forget I’m in Trash, and wanting to filter products I accidentally press the Empty Trash, and it’s driving me nuts 🙂

    So I’m looking for a way to either Hide the Empty Trash button (it wouldn’t bother me, as the products will automatically be deleted after a while anyway), or move if further away to the right so it won’t stay near the Filter button, and/OR make it a different layout/color/text color/whatever to be different somehow. Basically, find a way to avoid it, as I find its positioning poor.

    So please help me in this regard, thank you 🙂

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  • Moderator Vlad T


    Salut, @ciprianp !

    Pentru a adăuga reguli CSS noi pentru panoul de control ai două variante:

    1. Cu un modul ca acesta https://wordpress.org/plugins/add-admin-css/ vei introduce regulile următoare:

    .tablenav.top #delete_all {
        background-color: #f1f1f1;
        margin-left: 100px;
        border: 2px solid red;

    Am împins 100px mai la dreapta butonul Delete all și i-am pus o margine roșie, pentru a fi mai vizibil. Poți modifica stilul așa cum îți dorești


    2. Adăugând următorul cod în functions.php din directorul temei pe care o folosești:

    function admin_custom_css() {
        $url = get_settings('siteurl');
        $url = $url . '/wp-content/themes/yourtheme/css/custom-admin.css';
        echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $url . '" />';
    add_action('admin_head', 'admin_custom_css');

    Nu uita să modifici yourtheme cu numele directorului în care se află tema ta și apoi să creezi in directorul yourtheme/css/ custom-admin.css în care să pui regulile CSS amintite mai sus.

    Sper că-ți va fi de folos!
    Toate bune!

    Inițiator fir de discuții ciprianp



    Varianta 1 functioneaza perfect!

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