WS jobvite provides you to easy way to display joblist from jobvite using Jobvite API using shortcode in pages or posts.
- Scurt-cod
- Use Function to get joblist
- And so more coming soon.
Follow these steps to install this plugin
you will need to be issued an API key, Secret key and company ID by the Jobvite.
For Keys you can request here
- Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.
- Now click on „Jobvite” menu in left sidebar admin section.
- Now show settings page.
- Add your Jobvite API KEY.
- Add your Jobvite Secret.
- Add your Jobvite company ID.
- Save.
- Add shortcode in page or post.
- shortcode should be [ws-jobvite region = „All”] or [ws-jobvite region = „your region name”]
- Enjoy it!
Întrebări frecvente
There are no FAQ just yet
- Installation Instructions
Follow these steps to install this plugin
you will need to be issued an API key, Secret key and company ID by the Jobvite.
For Keys you can request here
e.g.- Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.
- Now click on „Jobvite” menu in left sidebar admin section.
- Now show settings page.
- Add your Jobvite API KEY.
- Add your Jobvite Secret.
- Add your Jobvite company ID.
- Save.
- Add shortcode in page or post.
- shortcode should be [ws-jobvite region = „All”] or [ws-jobvite region = „your region name”]
- Enjoy it!
Nu există nicio verificare pentru acest modul.
Contributori și dezvoltatori
„WS Jobvite” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.
ContributoriTradu „WS Jobvite” în limba ta.
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Istoric modificări
Version 1.0 released.