WPFAQBlock– FAQ & Accordion Plugin For Gutenberg


Easily create FAQs and add them to any page on your site. The responsive accordion display fits seamlessly into any site and provides a great FAQ user experience on any device.

WPFAQBlock includes Gutenberg block and shortcodes, so you can easily display your FAQs on any page, no matter which page editing system you are using.

Key Features

  • Create unlimited FAQs
  • Create unlimited FAQ categories and tags
  • Create unlimited custom templates
  • FAQs Search Function
  • Easy-to-use Gutenberg blocks to display your FAQs anywhere
  • FAQ shortcodes for extra flexibility
  • Responsive accordion layout that will fit any site and any device
  • Ordering and sorting options for your FAQ page

FAQ Blocks

  • WPFAQBlock: Display all FAQs with search function.

FAQ Shortcodes

  • [wpfaqblock]: Display all FAQs, or only specific categories using selecting and exclude parameters (both take a comma-separated list of category slugs)

Capturi ecran

  • Display Block
  • Display with Shortcode
  • WPFAQBlock Settings Panel


Acest modul oferă 1 bloc.

  • WPFAQBlock WPFAQBlock and accordion plugin with easy to use Gutenberg blocks and shortcodes with FAQ search.


  1. Upload the ‘wpfaqblock’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  1. Go to the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress and click ‘Add New’
  2. Search for ‘WPFAQBlock’ and select ‘Install Now’
  3. Activate the plugin when prompted

Întrebări frecvente

Is there a shortcode to display FAQs?

Yes, you can use the [wpfaqblock] shortcode.

Is there a Gutenberg block to display FAQs?

Yes, you can search for the WPFAQBlock block.


Nu există nicio verificare pentru acest modul.

Contributori și dezvoltatori

„WPFAQBlock– FAQ & Accordion Plugin For Gutenberg” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.


Istoric modificări

1.0.1 (23 March 2023)

-Create unlimited custom templates

1.0.0 (9 March 2023)

-Initial Version