Acest modul nu a fost testat cu ultimele 3 versiuni importante ale WordPress. S-ar putea să nu mai fie întreținut sau susținut și ar putea avea probleme de compatibilitate când este folosit cu versiuni recente ale WordPress.

WP Timeliner


WP Timeliner PRs Welcome

Easily create timelines in WordPress and display achievements in a chronological way.
Display your timelines via a Gutenberg block, via a shortcode or using the Timeline taxonomy archive page.
This plugin provides lots of hooks and an extensible theming system to let developers extend it and customize it.


The plugin creates a new „Achievement” post type, alongside with a new „Timeline” taxonomy.
Achievements are assigned to a timeline term, allowing them to be grouped together on a specific timeline.

Displaying a timeline can whether be done:
manually via a Gutenberg block anywhere on your site,
automatically via each Timeline term archive page where achievements will be displayed chronologically (disabled by default but can be enabled via plugins settings page)


Please head to our wiki in order to learn how to use and extend WP Timeliner plugin.
List of hooks available
How to create a timeline theme

Built with


Capturi ecran

  • Example of a timeline created with this plugin.
  • Managing different timelines is simple!
  • Every single timeline achievement is a unique post categorized in one or multiple timelines.
  • You can add timelines directly within the brand new Gutenberg block editor.
  • Plugin options page.


Nu există nicio verificare pentru acest modul.

Contributori și dezvoltatori

„WP Timeliner” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.


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Te interesează dezvoltarea?

Răsfoiește codul, vezi depozitarul SVN, sau abonează-te la jurnalul de dezvoltare prin RSS.

Istoric modificări

1.0.0 – 2019-01-04

  • First version of the plugin \o/