Acest modul nu a fost testat cu ultimele 3 versiuni importante ale WordPress. S-ar putea să nu mai fie întreținut sau susținut și ar putea avea probleme de compatibilitate când este folosit cu versiuni recente ale WordPress.

WordPress Cross Term SEO


Do you know, that 70% of keywords, that people search are long-tail keywords?×887.png

Seems its too expensive to fight with big guys like Amazon or Ebay for fat head keywords
So lets get more relevant long-tail SEO traffic with WP Cross Terms SEO plugin.

So what this plugin do ? This plugin allow you to combine different terms on site like Categories, Tags, Attributes and others to get new archive pages, that you can SEO optimize to get new free long-tail SEO traffic from search engines or to drive there traffic from affiliate networks or ads systems like AdWords. Interesting ? Let’s check out details!×297.png

Let’s have few examples from real life. E.g. you have web shop that sell new and used laptops and cellphones. Each product have category and attributes: Brand and Condition.

So based on this we can can combine different terms and get traffic not only for terms “Laptop”, or “Used” – how basicaly allow WordPress, but we can have custom archive that will output “Used Laptops”, “New Samsung Laptop” etc.

SO if you want to show Used Lenovo Laptops by default WordPress will return you something like:

Then we set up plugin to show custom SEO optimized tags, content, and titles like here:×1024.png

And result will become like:×820.png

Want ot see some stats ?

So you will have SEO optimized meat tags like Title and Description, custom H1 archive title, customized archive description. Also plugin allow to add custom text that you can use to increase SEO relevancy of page.×337.png

Still interested? Let’s check few live site examples.

E.g. you have recipes site. All recipes are divided into different categories.

So now you can get traffic byt keywords like “Chicken Recipes”, “Recipes for Mardi Gras” etc. Let’s turn on imagination and make few combinations like:

So now you will be able to get traffic for keywords like “Healty Drinks recipes”, “Recipes Low Calorie Snacks”, ” Desserts for Valentine’s Day” end many more variants.

Want some stats ?

Or maybe you have news site and organize posts by categories and tags. Start combining them and get extra traffic for different combinations

Want some stats ?

So possibilities are unlimited.

So how to use plugin ?

All is pretty simple. Upload it and activate it as normal WP plugin.

After this you will find new menu left side – Cross Term SEO. There you can create single Cross Term Item. Here is example of page:×1024.png

So here you can select terms you want to ger mixed. You cna pick 2 or 3.

Also you can set:

Page title – it will be used for page META Title tag.

Page Description – It will be used in Meta Description tag.

Archive Title – this value will be used in template archive name. Mostly it will be used to set H1 tag on page.

Category Description – it will be used to output description of archive.

Extra text – its SEO optimized text you can put on page to add extra SEO relevancy. To show this data on page you need to put shortcode extra_archive_text in your template, to output this text.

And to show list of all Cross Terms pages you can put shortcode corss_terms_links on any page on your site where search engines can index it.

Thats all.

And another cool bonus – you will have direct support from the developer of this plugin. so no empty messages like support teams like to do.

SO just try it!


As normal plugin – Just install it and activate


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Contributori și dezvoltatori

„WordPress Cross Term SEO” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.
