This Plugin adds a Server Load Averages and Server Uptime widget into your
Admin Dashboard and admin bar that automatically refreshes.
This Plugin adds an options page in your WordPress Admin Dashboard. After activating
the Plugin, go to your Admin Dashboard Home and see the new widget and the load average in the admin bar.
You can configure the admin bar load average options from the settings page under:
Settings > [TNM] Server Status
Plugin developed by Christopher Erk.
- Upload ‘tnm-server-status’ directory to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/ directory
- Activate the plugin ‘[TNM] Server Status’ through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Go to the Admin Dashboard Homepage and find the new widget.
Întrebări frecvente
- Will it Increase My Server Load?
Yes. But probably not enough for you to notice the difference. The AJAX will create a new request every few seconds which queries your database and your server.
Change this option in the settings to a higher number to reduce the number of requests made to the server.
Nu există nicio verificare pentru acest modul.
Contributori și dezvoltatori
„[TNM] Server Status and Load Average” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.
ContributoriTradu „[TNM] Server Status and Load Average” în limba ta.
Te interesează dezvoltarea?
Răsfoiește codul, vezi depozitarul SVN, sau abonează-te la jurnalul de dezvoltare prin RSS.
Istoric modificări
- Versiunea inițială
- Bug Fixes