Etichetă modul: price
WP Restaurant Price List
(11 total aprecieri)Show your price list with the description and cost of the items, divided by categories.
Price Changer For WooCommerce
(4 total aprecieri)Change WooCommerce products prices very quickly, without edit product one by one.
WooCommerce Custom Price
(8 total aprecieri)Extends WooCommerce by adding an option to display custom text for products with free price and blank price.
Woo Custom Empty Price
(4 total aprecieri)Show text, a call to action or custom HTML when a product has no price set.
Name Your Price: Make Your Own Offer for WooCommerce
(5 total aprecieri)Let customers name their own price on WooCommerce products & donations, offer a flexible pricing options with NYOP, open pricing, and open negotia …
iDEAL in3 On-site Messaging plug-in for WooCommerce
(0 total aprecieri)Let your customers immediately see the purchase price "divided by three" on the product page, shopping cart or check-out.
Gold Price Live
(8 total aprecieri)Allows you to easily use shortcode to post gold, silver, platinum and palladium spot prices (updated once daily in the morning at 8:20am New York Time …
Price Field
(0 total aprecieri)Adds support for price field to posts, pages or other selected post types. Fully integrated with Catalog X.
GP Price block
(1 total aprecieri)Simple WordPress plugin to add a new block to the Gutenberg editor for fast and handy price lists making.
PriceList for WooCommerce
(2 total aprecieri)With this plugin you'll be able to generate price lists for your WooCommerce products and display them in a overview or create a PDF.
Darven Múltiplos Preços Informativos
(4 total aprecieri)Requires WooCommerce Mostra múltiplos preços em um produto. Preço á vista e com parcelamento (preço parcelado).
WooCommerce Subscriptions Extras
(8 total aprecieri)This plugin offers some extra facilities and missing features for the WooCommerce Subscriptions official extension.
Product Price by Formula for WooCommerce
(14 total aprecieri)Set formula for automatic WooCommerce product price calculation.
Dynamic Price and Discounts for Woocommerce
(7 total aprecieri)It is a plugin which helps you to set the discounts on your products.
The Best Price Filter for Woocommerce
(5 total aprecieri)Woocommerce implements price filter that cannot search product variation individually! This plugin implements better solution to search products throu …
Mindestbestellwert – Minimum Order Value for Woocommerce
(0 total aprecieri)Lets you set a minimum order value for your WooCommerce shop. Shows a notification in cart or checkout view when the total order value is too low.
Products Purchase Price for WooCommerce
(3 total aprecieri)Free version of Purchase Price plug-in for WooCommerce.