Etichetă modul: page loader
Page Loader
(8 total aprecieri)Page Loader is a free Wordpress plugin to show a loader animation while page is being loaded.
Preloader Awesome – Page Loading Animation with Spinner & Gif
(1 total aprecieri)Preloader Awesome help You to create page loading animation WordPress with spinner or You can upload Your own GIF.
Preloader for Website
(2 total aprecieri)Preloader for Website : A loading screen add-on for your WordPress website.
WP Simple and Nice Preloader
(4 total aprecieri)This plugin is developed to add nice preloaders on your wordpress site.
PmZez Ajax Page Loader
(1 total aprecieri)This plugin will Slim progress bars for Ajax'y applications. Inspired by Google, YouTube, and Medium.
AnimatePress Free
(2 total aprecieri)Increase user experience on your site with nice pages transitions and other amazing effects.
Full screen preloader
(0 total aprecieri)A powerful plugin to show full screen preloader with 8 different predefined spinner style and background color option.
Gou PreLoader
(0 total aprecieri)Extension for WordPress to manage PreLoader on your website. Lightweight plugin and easy to customize and user friendly.
(0 total aprecieri)✨ Add a customizable preloader to your WordPress site, enhancing user experience with a loading screen while content is loading.