Etichetă modul: Notifications
Custom Fields Notifications
(4 total aprecieri)A tiny plugin which allows to use wordpress custom fileds in notification boxes.
Prompty Web Push Notifications
(2 total aprecieri)Easily integrate the Prompty web push notification service with your WordPress site.
WordPress Apple Push Notifications Plugin
(0 total aprecieri)Plugin gives you an API to send Apple Push Notifications from your WordPress site. Website | Demo | Docs | Donate
SimDex Toggle WP Admin Notifications
(0 total aprecieri)Hide / Show Notifications in WordPress Administrator Dashboard
Fonk – Slack Notifications for Devs
(0 total aprecieri)Send Slack notifications from anywhere in your theme to a Slack workspace and channel of your choice.
Notify for WooCommerce
(0 total aprecieri)Notify for WooCommerce adds the ability to send SMS notifications for every status of the order.
Wolfeo Pushy
(0 total aprecieri)Wolfeo is an online software which helps you get more trafic, leads and sales with marketing automation tools.
WordPress Post FCM
(0 total aprecieri)Notify your users of new posts with Firebase cloud messaging (FCM) for Android and iOS. Sends a FCM/push notification when a post is published.
Profile Update Notification
(1 total aprecieri)This plugin extends the WP-Members plugin from Chad Butler.
Push Notifications Lite
(3 total aprecieri)Push Notifications plugin for WordPress. Allow to send Push Notifications to authorized and anonymous users of your Wordpress site
BuddyPress Admin Notifications
(0 total aprecieri)This plugin adds a checkbox in the post/page admin (for the admins and editors) to tell members (notification & email) that an important post has …
Woo SMS Gateway
(0 total aprecieri)Automatically send sms notification on new order creation to the customer. Admin Settings Page Help Page
Wp Gap Notifications
(2 total aprecieri)Allows WordPress site to send notifications to Gap. You can also send files/posts/products to Gap Channel.
WPNotify – Notifications for WooCommerce
(2 total aprecieri)Ready to use WhatsApp notifications service plugin for WooCommerce. Install and start sending.
Sidobe WP Notification
(0 total aprecieri)Send automatic WhatsApp notifications for WooCommerce orders. Keep your customers informed about their order status with real-time updates.
WooCommerce Transmit SMS
(0 total aprecieri)Send SMS updates to customers when their order status is updated and receive an SMS message when a customer places a new order
BuddyPress Admin Access Activity
(0 total aprecieri)Allows BuddyPress admin to go directly to any activity they are linked to. Stops the problem of 'You do not have access to this activity' in …
WP Simple Notify
(1 total aprecieri)Easiest WP Plugin to manage email notifications for common events such as user's post comments.