Etichetă modul: alipay
Airwallex Online Payments Gateway
(5 total aprecieri)Accept credit/debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and 30+ local payment methods on your WooCommerce Store with Airwallex.
Wenprise Alipay Gateway For WooCommerce
(1 total aprecieri)Alipay payment gateway for WooCommerce, WooCommerce 支付宝免费全功能支付网关。
Wenprise WeChatPay Payment Gateway For WooCommerce
(2 total aprecieri)WeChat payment gateway for WooCommerce, WooCommerce 微信免费全功能支付网关。
Yedpay for WooCommerce
(1 total aprecieri)Easily accept Alipay, AlipayHK, Wechat Pay, UnionPay, Visa and mastercard on your Wordpress site using Yedpay WooCommerce payment gateway in one plugi …
China Payments Plugin | Accept WeChat Pay and Alipay
(17 total aprecieri)Accept WeChat Pay and Alipay via Stripe with WooCommerce, MemberPress, LifterLMS, or Simple Membership.
Payment Gateway for Alipay and WeChat Pay (支付宝,微信支付,银联支付北美版)
(2 total aprecieri)Allow Canadian merchants to easily accept Wechat Pay, Alipay and UnionPay for their websites using SnapPay's payment gateway.
ScanForPay – Alipay & AlipayHK & WechatPay Payment Solutions for WooCommerce
(0 total aprecieri)ScanForPay幫助香港商戶使用支付寶、AlipayHK、WechatPay在WooCommerce商城中收款. ScanForPay helps merchants in HongKong to accept Alipay、AlipayHK and WechatPay on their Wo …
WP VK-付费内容插件(付费阅读/资料/工具软件资源管理)
(3 total aprecieri)WP VK,中文名称为付费内容插件。近几年付费内容开始在中国风靡起来,一些公众号及站长开始以付费模式经营有价值的文章、资料文档及工具软件资源等。但站长要在网站博客实现付费内容,需要实现支付接口的对接、付费内容部分加密及订单管理等,而WordPress默认功能又无法提供支持。 为此闪电博,开发了一款专 …
WPYAA's Alipay Wechat(微信 支付宝) for WooCommerce
(3 total aprecieri)WooCommerce 微信支付(支持:PC电脑端、手机浏览器、微信客户端)支付+退款,支付宝(支持:PC电脑端、手机浏览器)支付+退款
AlphaPay Payment Plugin for WeChat Pay, Alipay, UnionPay, and Credit Card All-in-One Payment(微信支付,支付宝,银联,信用卡支付)
(0 total aprecieri)Allow Canadian merchants to connect all the mainstream payment channels like WeChat Pay, Alipay, UnionPay, Visa, and MasterCard upon single activation …
Payment gateway for WooCommerce – Woo Alipay
(0 total aprecieri)Alipay China payment gateway for WooCommerce.
Stripe Express
(3 total aprecieri)Shipping with a variety of standalone Stripe payment widgets and woocommerce addon, including options for credit cards, Alipay and WeChat pay, and ACH …
Pockyt – Accept Alternative Payments
(2 total aprecieri)Accept payments on your store using Pockyt.
Latipay WooCommerce Payment Gateway
(0 total aprecieri)Latipay allows customer pay their orders by Alipay and WechatPay in Chinese yuan
(0 total aprecieri)With Alipay or WeChat to support your favorite articles,This plugin can add qrcode for payment at the end of the article。
WP User Rewards
(1 total aprecieri)Adds user reward/donate fields to user profiles, including Wechat pay QRCode, Alipay QRCode, and PayPal link. 在用户个人资料页面添加打赏设置,包括微信收款二维码、支付宝收款二维码和PayP …
Stripe Payment For WooCommerce
(2 total aprecieri)The easiest and fastest way to add 30+ payment methods (Also PayPal) to your WooCommerce website powered by Stripe! Payment methods all-in-one form.
(0 total aprecieri)This Plugin can build a donation panel at the end of the posts and widgets.