
Plugin Directory

Sight Pay – is an awesome new way to shop! Get anything you want, and pay for it later.

Acest modul nu a fost testat cu ultimele 3 versiuni importante ale WordPress. S-ar putea să nu mai fie întreținut sau susținut și ar putea avea probleme de compatibilitate când este folosit cu versiuni recente ale WordPress.

Sight Pay – is an awesome new way to shop! Get anything you want, and pay for it later.


Sight Pay is an awesome new way to shop! Get anything you want, and pay for it later. Best pay later plugin for woocommerce

With SightPay, you can order your desired product and pay later. This plugin is based on Woocommerce and has the ability to generate unique payment links. With the help of this plugin, you can create a feeling of trust among your customers and make them more willing to purchase your products.

Key Features

  • Works with any payment method.
  • Easy to use.
  • Very light weight.

Multilingual Ready

  • Polylang
  • Loco Translate

Basic user guide:

  1. Install the Plugin
  2. Install the dependent WooCommerce Plugin
  3. GoTo>WooCommerce>Settings>Payments>Enable Sight Pay
  4. When checking out with a product select sight pay.
  5. In the thank you page you will see a link to pay later.

For Fast Support, and Bug Reporting

We are very responsive about support requests – so if you face a problem or find any bugs, post it in the support forum, and we will respond within 24 hours (except holidays).

Ask us at WordPress.org


Developed with ❤ by Inno Sight



  • PHP 7.4 or later
  • MySQL 5.6 or later
  • WordPress 5.2 or later

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working


To do an automatic install of sight-pay, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click
Add New.
In the search field type „sight-pay”. Once you have found it you can install it by simply clicking
„Install Now” and then „Activate”.


Uploading in WordPress Dashboard

  • Download sight-pay.zip
  • Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
  • Navigate to the ‘Upload’ area
  • Select sight-pay.zip from your computer
  • Click ‘Install Now’
  • Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

Using FTP

  • Download sight-pay.zip
  • Extract the sight-pay directory to your computer
  • Upload the sight-pay directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  • Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

Întrebări frecvente

Q. Is Sight Pay free?

A: Yes! Sight Pay is free and we will try to bring more features to this.

Thank you!


Nu există nicio verificare pentru acest modul.

Contributori și dezvoltatori

„Sight Pay – is an awesome new way to shop! Get anything you want, and pay for it later.” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.


Istoric modificări


  • Compatibility with wordpress 6.4.3


  • Doc updated


  • Escaped some variables.


  • Initial Release