This is a simple plugin which automatically hides inactive (orphan) shortcode tags you have used for previous themes and/or plugins. It uses the_content filter to search for shortcode tags which are not active and simply removes them from your post/page content (note the shortode tags won’t be deleted form your content, they will just be removed temporarily on your website frontend). It is a great solution if you want to avoid manual removal of old shortcode tags from your entire content.
Remove Orphan Shortcodes plugin is created by Meks
- Upload to plugins, like any other plugin, or upload unzipped folder remove to wp-content/plugins/
- Activate the plugin through the „Plugins” menu in WordPress
Întrebări frecvente
- For any questions, error reports and suggestions please visit
Contributori și dezvoltatori
„Remove Orphan Shortcodes” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.
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Istoric modificări
- Fixed: PHP notice thrown in specific versions
- Optimization improvements
- Fixed an issue with breaking image captions
- Lansare inițială