Acest modul nu a fost testat cu ultimele 3 versiuni importante ale WordPress. S-ar putea să nu mai fie întreținut sau susținut și ar putea avea probleme de compatibilitate când este folosit cu versiuni recente ale WordPress.

Redirect by Custom Field


Sometimes you have a need for having links to external URLs show up interspersed among your own pages or posts. This plugin lets you easily create such „redirecting” posts or pages by simply setting a custom field.

Usage: Add the custom field with label „redirect” to any post or page. Enter the redirect target URL as the value of that custom field. Now all links on your site to that post or page will be replaced with that redirect URL! If you try to visit the permalink URL for that page, it will redirect the user to that redirect URL too.

This plugin actually also works fine to redirect a URL to another URL on the same site as well.

Placeholders: New in version 0.9: the strings %home% and %site% in URLs are replaced by the WordPress home URL and site URLs, respectively.

Development of this plugin was supported by the Arts at MIT.

Întrebări frecvente

If your question isn’t here, ask your own question at the forums. Please do not email or tweet with questions.


3 septembrie 2016
Works Perfectly and surely its a powerful plugin for affiliates. It simply work with wp-all-import which you can promote millions of products from various affiliate networks like cj,shareasale,tradetracker zanox and more.
Citește toate cele 5 recenzii

Contributori și dezvoltatori

„Redirect by Custom Field” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.


Istoric modificări


  • Added new „hide redirects” filter in the list of posts/pages.


  • New placeholder function:
    • %home% and %site% in URLs are replaced by the WordPress home URL and site URLs, respectively.
    • New filter redirect_by_custom_field_placeholders to add or modify placeholders.


  • Removed inappropriate esc_url which was messing up some redirects.
  • New user-definable constant REDIRECT_BY_CUSTOM_FIELD_HTTP_STATUS.


  • Rewritten to use the template_redirect action instead, which catches some edge cases.


  • WordPress’s own permalinks in the WordPress admin now are actually displayed, together with the redirect URL.


  • Fixed a potential PHP warning
  • Fixed an error in the query filter


  • Fixed redirect in some direct URL access cases
  • Properly sanitizes redirect URLs


  • First public release