Acest modul nu a fost testat cu ultimele 3 versiuni importante ale WordPress. S-ar putea să nu mai fie întreținut sau susținut și ar putea avea probleme de compatibilitate când este folosit cu versiuni recente ale WordPress.

Really Disable Emojis


WordPress comes with a built-in replacement function that turns 🙂 etc. into emojis. If you need to switch this off, simply install and activate this plugin. It’s that simple.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/really-disable-emojis directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Done! All automatic replacements of emojis is now disabled.


30 aprilie 2023 1 răspuns
Works well for browser purposes, but emoji replacement still seems to happen when the site loads on mobile.
4 decembrie 2021
It works nicely and I love it (include heart emoji here ;-)!!!
13 mai 2020
Ich liebe dieses Plugin. Es verhindert zuverlässig die unkontrollierbaren gelbe Klekse in meiner Webseite und bringt die unaufdringlichen Emojis der ersten Generation wieder zurück 😉 – selbst auf Tablets und Smartphones.
23 martie 2020
thank you for stripping back my smilies to their original typigraphical beauties 🙂
Citește toate cele 9 recenzii

Contributori și dezvoltatori

„Really Disable Emojis” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.


Istoric modificări


  • Removing emoji related css styling.


  • Initial release for WordPress plugin directory.