Acest modul nu a fost testat cu ultimele 3 versiuni importante ale WordPress. S-ar putea să nu mai fie întreținut sau susținut și ar putea avea probleme de compatibilitate când este folosit cu versiuni recente ale WordPress.


OS BXSlider is responsive multi slider which can be used anywhere in your posts, pages, custom post types etc with a wide variety of options for customizing your slider.


  • Admin interface to add, edit and manage slider
  • Easy to add multiple images
  • Easy to change the order of images using drag and drop
  • Different slider types
  • Design customization options for sliders
  • Variety of ‘pager’ options
  • Excellent ‘controls’ options
  • Automatic slider settings
  • Excellent Carousel settings
  • Enhanced general features


[os-bxslider id=”slider_id”] – For displaying slider on your posts, pages, custom post types etc.

Funcțiile temei

echo do_shortcode( [os-bxslider id=”slider_id”] ); – For displaying slide on your page templates like header.php, front-page.php, etc.


So that others can share in the answer, please submit your support requests through the WordPress forums for Offshorent BXSlider(

Capturi ecran

  • OS BXSlider slider listing interface
  • OS BXSlider add new slider interface
  • OS BXSlider – Slider with captions
  • OS BXSlider – Carousel
  • OS BXSlider – Thumbnail
  • OS BXSlider – Ticker


Minimum requirements:

WordPress 4.3+
PHP 5.5x
MySQL 5.2x+

Installation from within backend:

  1. In plugin manager, click „Add New”
  2. Search for „os-bxslider”
  3. Click „install”
  4. Activate the plugin once it is installed
  5. Click on „OS BXSlider” from the left menu and follow the instructions to complete the installation

FTP upload installation method:

  1. Upload the os-bxslider folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory using your FTP client
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu
  3. Go to the OS BXSlider menu, finish the installation and create a new slider
  4. Use shortcode [os-bxslider id=”slider_id”] in pages, posts, custom post types etc

Zip upload installation method (make sure uploads up to 5MB are allowed for your hosting):

  1. Login to your WordPress site administrator panel and head over the ‘Plugins’ menu
  2. Click ‘Add New’
  3. Choose the ‘Upload’ option
  4. Click Choose file (Browse) and select the os-bxslider.*.zip file.
  5. Click Install Now button.
  6. Once it is complete, activate the plugin.
  7. Go to the OS BXSlider menu, finish the installation and create a new slider
  8. Use shortcode [os-bxslider id=”slider_id”] in pages, posts, custom post types etc

Întrebări frecvente

Installation Instructions

Minimum requirements:

WordPress 4.3+
PHP 5.5x
MySQL 5.2x+

Installation from within backend:

  1. In plugin manager, click „Add New”
  2. Search for „os-bxslider”
  3. Click „install”
  4. Activate the plugin once it is installed
  5. Click on „OS BXSlider” from the left menu and follow the instructions to complete the installation

FTP upload installation method:

  1. Upload the os-bxslider folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory using your FTP client
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu
  3. Go to the OS BXSlider menu, finish the installation and create a new slider
  4. Use shortcode [os-bxslider id=”slider_id”] in pages, posts, custom post types etc

Zip upload installation method (make sure uploads up to 5MB are allowed for your hosting):

  1. Login to your WordPress site administrator panel and head over the ‘Plugins’ menu
  2. Click ‘Add New’
  3. Choose the ‘Upload’ option
  4. Click Choose file (Browse) and select the os-bxslider.*.zip file.
  5. Click Install Now button.
  6. Once it is complete, activate the plugin.
  7. Go to the OS BXSlider menu, finish the installation and create a new slider
  8. Use shortcode [os-bxslider id=”slider_id”] in pages, posts, custom post types etc
A question that someone might have

An answer to that question.


3 septembrie 2016
looked promising, but doesn’t take full width of the screen, also first slide never starting, and arrow navigation is seen 2 times. sorry.
Citește toate cele 2 recenzii

Contributori și dezvoltatori

„OS BXSlider” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.


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