Acest modul nu a fost testat cu ultimele 3 versiuni importante ale WordPress. S-ar putea să nu mai fie întreținut sau susținut și ar putea avea probleme de compatibilitate când este folosit cu versiuni recente ale WordPress.

WordPress Charts


Using the API, this is a WordPress plugin
that provides a shortcode that will display charts
of your music-listening data. This plugin uses the Easy Chart Builder plugin by dyerware to create charts, so
you will need to install and activate that plugin first.

Download the latest version of the plugin or view the source code.


In a post or page, use the [wp_lastfm_charts_top_artists] or [wp_lastfm_charts_top_tracks] shortcode. Specify the user_name parameter, using your user name. Specify a time range with the period parameter, e.g., 12month. Specify a chart type with chart_type, e.g., horizbar or pie.

Some examples:

[wp_lastfm_charts_top_artists user_name="cheshire137" period="12month" chart_type="horizbar"]

[wp_lastfm_charts_top_artists user_name="cheshire137" period="12month" chart_type="pie"]

[wp_lastfm_charts_top_tracks user_name="cheshire137" period="12month" chart_type="horizbar"]

[wp_lastfm_charts_top_tracks user_name="cheshire137" period="12month" chart_type="pie"]

Other parameters include chart_color, chart_fade_color, width, height,
colors, limit, title, data_table_css, and image_alt.

chart_color and `chart_fade_color` refer to the background color of the chart

and should be hex color codes without the #. They default to FFFFFF (white).

limit refers to the number of artists or tracks to display in the chart. It

defaults to 12.

colors should be a comma-separated list of hex color codes without the #.

period should be one of `overall`, `7day`, `1month`, `3month`, `6month`, or

Capturi ecran

  • Top artists from the last twelve months as a horizontal bar chart.
  • Top artists from the last twelve months as a pie chart.
  • Top tracks from the last twelve months as a horizontal bar chart.
  • Top tracks from the last twelve months as a pie chart.


  1. Upload the wp-lastfm-charts/ folder (that is, the entire plugin folder) to your WordPress wp-content/plugins directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in the WordPress admin dashboard.
  3. Use the [wp_lastfm_charts_top_artists] or [wp_lastfm_charts_top_tracks] shortcode in a post or page (see Usage section for details).


Nu există nicio verificare pentru acest modul.

Contributori și dezvoltatori

„WordPress Charts” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.
