Acest modul nu a fost testat cu ultimele 3 versiuni importante ale WordPress. S-ar putea să nu mai fie întreținut sau susținut și ar putea avea probleme de compatibilitate când este folosit cu versiuni recente ale WordPress.

PAYONE WooCommerce


With the PAYONE Plugin for WooCommerce we aim to provide you with an easy to use payment plugin that supports the most relevant payment methods.
This plugin is thoroughly tested but still in an early stage, so any feedback is very much appreciated.

Seamless integration into the checkout. Supports simplified PCI DSS conformity in accordance with SAQ A.
Currently supported payment methods include:
* Credit Card
* PAYONE Direct Debit
* PayPal
* paydirekt
* PAYONE Secured Invoice
* PAYONE Secured Direct Debit
* PAYONE Secured Installment
* Sofort
* PAYONE Open Invoice
* PAYONE Prepayment
* Klarna
* Ratepay
* Trustly
* P24
* Bancontact
* Alipay

PAYONE GmbH is headquartered in Frankfurt am Main and is one of the leading omnichannel-payment providers in Europe. In addition to providing customer support to numerous Savings Banks (Sparkasse) the full-service payment service provider also provides cashless payment transaction services to more than 255,000 customers from stationary trade to the automated and holistic processing of e-commerce and mobile payments.

To use this extension, a separate account with PAYONE is required. Additional costs incur. To create the account, please contact us through

You are very welcome to contribute to this plugin on Github:


New Features

  • Secured Invoice (BNPL) extension for B2B customers,
    deviant delivery address allowed


  • tested with

Tested with wordpress version: 6.3.1
woocommerce version: 8.1.1
php version: 8.1.0


New Features

  • New layout for credit card settings
  • New payment method: PAYONE Secured Direct Debit


  • Fix for credit card if no card is selected
  • Sanitize id[n]-parameter before transmitting
  • Fix for wrong PayPal redirect
  • Fix release workflow


  • Updated iDeal issuer list
  • Using WooCommerce sessions
  • Hide Klarna installments and Klarna sofort for b2b orders

  • tested with

wordpress version: 6.2
woocommerce version: 7.6.0
php version: 8.1.0



  • Fixed problem with PAYONE Credit Card
  • Fixed BNPL Token
  • Fixed problem with rounding errors in checkout


  • tested with

wordpress version: 6.1.1
woocommerce version: 7.4.0
php version: 8.1.0


New Features

  • New payment method: PAYONE Secured Invoice
  • New payment method: PAYONE Secured Installment
  • Implement a API test in backend


  • Rename global js variables and functions
  • Better error handling for options

tested with

wordpress version: 6.1.1
woocommerce version: 7.4.0
php version: 8.1.0


New Features

  • New payment method: Przelewy24
  • New payment method: Trustly
  • Removed field for BIC for PAYONE Direct Debit


  • Fixed article list for refunds
  • Fixed translations


  • Applying wordpress coding styleguide
  • Removed subscription (wcs) support
  • Removed checkbox for PAYONE Invoice module

tested with
wordpress version: 6.0.2
woocommerce version: 6.9.4
php version: 8.1


New Features

  • New payment method: Ratepay Open Invoice
  • New payment method: Ratepay Direct Debit
  • New payment method: Ratepay Installments


  • Parameter shipping_state is now transmitted for paydirekt orders
  • Fixed custom parameters for credit card settings


  • Payment methods no longer enabled by default
  • Include landing page in backend

tested with
wordpress version: 6.0.1
woocommerce version: 6.8.0
php version: 8.1.0


New Features

  • New payment method: PayPal Express
  • New payment method: Bancontact
  • New payment method: iDEAL
  • Using WC_API for callbacks
    The Transactionstatus URL has to be changed to /wc-api/payoneplugin/.
    The old Transactionstatus URL is temporarily still reachable.


  • Better generating of unique reference numbers
  • TX-Log corrections

tested with
wordpress version: 5.9.2
woocommerce version: 6.4.0



  • payment method logos are now shown correctly in checkout


New Features

  • New payment method: Klarna (pay later, direct debit, slice it)
  • New payment method: Alipay
  • Payment Logos for every payment method in checkout
  • Cardholder field for creditcard
  • Experimental Support for WC subscribtions


  • fixed translations
  • fixed txstatus handling
  • fixed error message handling
  • fixed broken plugin header
  • fixed credit card settings


  • Update names of the payment methods
  • Update readme.txt
  • PHP8 compatibility
  • Rework PAYONE callback URL
  • Rework creditcard fields
  • Change activation hooks

Tested with:
wordpress version: 5.9.2
woocommerce version: 6.3.1



  • fixed a bug where not all files of the plugin were uploaded to the wordpress store


New Features

  • New Payment Method: EPS
  • B2B Mode for PAYONE safe Invoice


  • way better handling of appointed messages should improve customer feedback after redirect payments
  • better rendering of credit card iFrames
  • fixed some log errors


  • tested with wordpress 5.5 and woocommerce 4.3.2



  • fixed minor bug in CI Pipeline, no alterations to actual plugin code



  • fixed a bug where creditcard checkouts could break when using Germaized Plugin


  • tested with woocommerce 4.0.0 and WordPress 5.3.2


New Features

  • Use SKU in cart items where possible


  • Credit Card iFrames are now stylable (not just their spans)
  • fixed a conflict with the third party amazon pay plugin
  • use correct it[n] Parameters
  • state and shipping_state only get sent when needed


  • tested with WordPress 5.3.2 and Woocommerce 3.8
  • first Release which automatically syncs Github and WordPress Store Releases


New Features

  • more compatibility when querying order numbers
  • New translations for German (informal) and Swiss
  • Submit Customer IP and Shipping Data with every payment method


  • Discounts are now calculated correctly


  • tested with Woocommerce 3.7
  • tested with WordPress 5.2

A Word on PSD2

You can configure the plugin for optimized conversion when using Credit Cards and 3-D Secure 2.0. For more info see our Remark on


  • Initial plugin store release


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/payone-woocommerce directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Configure using the „PAYONE” Link in the left navigation tab

To successfully configure this plugin, you will need API credentials from PAYONE. Contact us through to get you set up.

All configuration steps are explained in our documentation that can be found at

Întrebări frecvente

I need further assistance!

Our customer service team is there to help. Just call them or drop them a line, you should have received the contact details with your account/test account.

I have found a bug, what can I do?

Please report all bugs on our Github repository at

I have found a really, really bad bug that shouldn’t be publicly disclosed!

If you have found anything security related, please contact our technical support team, or Please bear in mind that support requests cannot be handled through that email address. We appreciate your cooperation.


1 mai 2022 1 răspuns
hey payone, are you listening at all? you 2.0 update activated the new payment methods automatically and we found out only days after that. what a desaster. my already installed klarna pay did not work because of this. but you won’t read this review anyhow. so rip. kai
24 aprilie 2022 2 răspunsuri
No idea who is doing the updates, can’t be anyone who knows what they are doing. First the asset folder is completely missing in the package, so you have to search for the necessary files yourself on the Github page. Then with the last update, new payment methods were simply activated automatically, such as ALI Pay. > Please stop letting the trainee do the updates – YOU ARE A PAYMENT PROVIDER. 🙁
20 octombrie 2021
Mit dem Plugin funktionieren die meisten Zahlarten zuverlässig. Seit einigen Wochen haben wir aber ein Problem mit der Zahlart SEPA Lastschrift (Payone). Wir vermuten den Fehler in diesem Plugin. Leider reagiert der Plugin-Hersteller pooliestudios weder auf Anrufe noch auf E-Mails. Auch über github und den Technischen Support von Payone gibt es keine Hilfe. Letztes Update des Plugins ist mehr als ein Jahr her. Offenbar hat Payone kein Interesse mehr dieses Plugin in einer aktuellen Version anzubieten. Für uns bedeutet das, wir werden uns mittelfristig nach einem anderen Zahlungsanbieter umsehen müssen, der eine funktionierende Anbindung für unseren WooCommerce-Shop anbietet.
9 martie 2020
Be aware that even though BS PAYONE offers subscriptions as a payment provider, this plugin does not support them and you have to implement this on your own. Support of the company is nice and friendly. Support of the plugin devs (Pooliestudios) is non-existent.
23 ianuarie 2020
Installation was stressless. A lot of configuration options. Recommendation for PrePayments in addition: WooCommerce Smart Reminder Emails Plugin. Wordpress 5.3.2, WooCommerce 3.8.1
Citește toate cele 7 recenzii

Contributori și dezvoltatori

„PAYONE WooCommerce” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.
