Acest modul nu a fost testat cu ultimele 3 versiuni importante ale WordPress. S-ar putea să nu mai fie întreținut sau susținut și ar putea avea probleme de compatibilitate când este folosit cu versiuni recente ale WordPress.

Briqpay B2B Registration Form


Utilise the Briqpay B2B Registration form to quickly turn visitors to users. Allows you to easily render the Briqpay B2B registration form on your wordpress site
In order to utlize this plugin you need to have an account at Briqpay. Register your own playground account att

With Briqpay’s B2B registration form you can add a seamless registration to your application process. Creating an account has never been easier.

The registration process differs depending on the industry, market and, other business-critical assessments. Therefore our solutions come with wide flexibility and lots of functionality.

Get validated data, company information, run an automated credit check, e-signature, industry filtering – you’re in control.



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Întrebări frecvente

How do I find my api key?

By logging into your merchant account at
Dont have a merchant account? No worries, you can get instant access to a playground account by registering your user.

The plugin rejects all registrations

You likely havent implemented the correct hook for approving the account validation. Below is example implentnations on how to both validate the application and subsequently create a new user.

    function() {
        add_filter( 'briqpay_signup_completed', 'example_function_to_create_user', 10, 1 );
    function() {
        add_filter( 'briqpay_signup_validation', 'example_filter_functon_for_validation', 10, 2 );

function example_function_to_create_user( $signup_data ) {
    $selected_pass = wp_generate_password();
    $user_id       = wp_insert_user(
            'user_login'   => $signup_data->user->email,
            'user_pass'    => $selected_pass,
            'user_email'   => $signup_data->user->email,
            'first_name'   => $signup_data->user->firstName,
            'last_name'    => $signup_data->user->lastName,
            'display_name' => $signup_data->user->firstName . ' ' . $signup_data->user->lastName,


    $billing_data = array(
        'first_name'        => $signup_data->user->firstName,
        'last_name'         => $signup_data->user->lastName,
        'billing_city'      => $signup_data->address->city,
        'billing_postcode'  => $signup_data->address->zip,
        'billing_email'     => $signup_data->user->email,
        'billing_phone'     => $signup_data->user->phone,
        'billing_company'   => $signup_data->address->companyname,
        'billing_address_1' => $signup_data->address->streetaddress,
    foreach ( $billing_data as $billing_meta_key => $billing_meta_value ) {
            update_user_meta( $user_id, $billing_meta_key, $billing_meta_value );


    function example_filter_functon_for_validation( $validaton, $signup_data ) {

    if ( ! get_user_by( 'email', $signup_data->user->email ) ) {
        $validaton = array(
            'result' => true,
            'errors' => array(),
    } else {
        $validaton = array(
            'result' => false,
            'errors' => array(
                    'errorCode'    => 'already_exists',
                    'errorField'   => 'email',
                    'errorMessage' => 'Found existing user',
    return $validaton;

How do I activate the live account?

You need to have an active subscription plan with Briqpay to utilise our live services.
Contact Briqpay to activate your subscription.

What is Briqpay?

Briqpay is a technical solution that delivers great user experiences for business-to-business sales online.

Use Briqpays software and API’s to create a seamless customer experience and automate your payment flow, on all markets.

How can i find Briqpays privacy policy?


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Contributori și dezvoltatori

„Briqpay B2B Registration Form” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.
