Acest modul nu a fost testat cu ultimele 3 versiuni importante ale WordPress. S-ar putea să nu mai fie întreținut sau susținut și ar putea avea probleme de compatibilitate când este folosit cu versiuni recente ale WordPress.

Blog Post Filter


Blog Post Filter is a plugin that allow the site administrator selects which categories should be shown on the site frontpage. Only posts that are in the selected categories would be shown on the site main loop.

Major features of Blog Post filter include:

  • Simplicity: In contrast with similar plugin this plugin is very simple and easy to use.
  • Efficiency: The plugin has a minimum processing overhead on the site.
  • Multilingual: Supports Persian and English admin page translation.

Capturi ecran

  • Preview of the Blog Post Filter’s admin page (v1.0.1).
  • Preview of the Blog Post Filter’s admin page (v1.1.0).
  • Persian translation of the plugin (v1.1.0).


  1. Upload sloth-category-filter directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Select the categories int the setting page in the posts section.
  4. You’re done!

Întrebări frecvente

Does a post would be shown if just some of it’s categories are selected.

Yes, every post that has at least one selected category in it’s categeory list would be shown on the front page.

How can I report bugs or contribute to the plugin?

You can send an email to the


21 octombrie 2018 1 răspuns
I don’t see any filtering. Two stars for not messing anything else up.
3 septembrie 2016
Perfect. Thanks a lot for this free plugin. By the way, the expression „which categories should be shown on the site frontpage.” is confusing and I doubted to try the plugin. In fact, the plugin filters which categories should be shown on the site’s blog page. (What I wanted to be done) 😉
3 septembrie 2016
in fact I am the publisher of the plugin and it’s natural that I rate it the best. But, indeed it does the work that is expected without adding any complexity. Just install it and select the categories that you would like to appear on the front page.
Citește toate cele 5 recenzii

Contributori și dezvoltatori

„Blog Post Filter” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.


Istoric modificări


  • Added an option to filter sticky posts.


  • Minor bug fix.


  • Fist version.