This plugin add a Responsive Banner Display Thumbnail in your website. Also you can add Responsive Banner Display Thumbnail page and mobile touch slider in to your wordpress website.
View DEMO for additional information.
Installation help and support
The plugin adds a „Responsive Banner Display Thumbnail” tab to your admin menu, which allows you to enter Image Title, Content, Link and image items just as you would regular posts.
To use this plugin just copy and past this code in to your header.php file or template file
You can also use this Banner Display Thumbnail inside your page with following shortcode
Display Banner Display Thumbnail catagroies wise :
[bdt_gallery.slider cat_id=”cat_id”]
You can find this under „Banner Display Thumbnail-> Gallery Category”.
Complete shortcode is
[bdt_gallery.slider cat_id="9" autoplay="true"]
Parameters are :
- limit : [bdt_gallery.slider limit=”-1″] (Limit define the number of images to be display at a time. By default set to „-1″ ie all images. eg. if you want to display only 5 images then set limit to limit=”5”)
- cat_id : [bdt_gallery.slider cat_id=”2″] (Display Image slider catagroies wise.)
- autoplay : [bdt_gallery.slider autoplay=”true”] (Set autoplay or not. value is „true” OR „false”)
Features include:
- Mobile touch slide
- Responsive
- Shortcode
- Php code for place image slider into your website header
<div class="headerslider"> <?php echo do_shortcode('[bdt_gallery.slider]'); ?></div>
- Banner Display Thumbnail inside your page with following shortcode
- Easy to configure
- Smoothly integrates into any theme
- CSS and JS file for custmization
- Upload the ‘banner-display-thumbnail’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
- Activate the ‘Banner Display Thumbnail’ list plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- If you want to place Banner Display Thumbnail into your website header, please copy and paste following code in to your header.php file
<div class="headerslider"> <?php echo do_shortcode('[bdt_gallery.slider limit="-1"]'); ?></div>
- You can also display this Images slider inside your page with following shortcode
[bdt_gallery.slider limit="-1"]
Întrebări frecvente
- Are there shortcodes for Banner Display Thumbnail items?
If you want to place Banner Display Thumbnail into your website header, please copy and paste following code in to your header.php file
<div class="headerslider"> <?php echo do_shortcode('[bdt_gallery.slider limit="-1"]'); ?></div>
You can also display this Banner Display Thumbnail inside your page with following shortcode
[bdt_gallery.slider limit="-1"]
Nu există nicio verificare pentru acest modul.
Contributori și dezvoltatori
„Banner Display Thumbnail” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.
ContributoriTradu „Banner Display Thumbnail” în limba ta.
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Istoric modificări
Initial release