30 ianuarie 2023
Since I have updated to PHP8 this once good plugin no longer works and breaks my sites.
Looks like it may be abandoned so I can’t recommend using it.
15 octombrie 2021
Position the slider by dragging it in a preview? Check.
Easy configuration? Check.
Works flawlessly with any theme? Check.
Can be easily styled via CSS? Check.
This last item is very important. No hacky size adjustment via javascript. This image slider resizes gracefully when screen sizes change by resizing the browser window. Thank you for a great and useful plugin.
27 iunie 2021
After Update to PHP8,WordPress shows error when update article etc…
Warning: Undefined array key „s201_nonce” in /home/c5778445/public_html/(WebSite Address)/wp-content/plugins/ba-plus-before-after-image-slider-free/admin.php on line 112
29 noiembrie 2020
un plugin maravilloso todos los datos descritos los cumple al pie de la letra, ofreciendo una gran variedad de vistas atractivas para este modelo, definitivamente el mejor que he visto y he visto muchos.
17 septembrie 2020
I installed this plugin for a quick page to show a client some before/after images. I had tried a couple before finding this and this is by far the best and simplest plugin I have found of this type.
I am only using the free version at present however if I need to use this on more pages I have no hesitation to purchase the pro version.
Great plugin!
30 august 2020
Fantastic plugin! Functionality just as we wanted for before / after photo shots in some of our photo post-processing articles.
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