Acest modul nu a fost testat cu ultimele 3 versiuni importante ale WordPress. S-ar putea să nu mai fie întreținut sau susținut și ar putea avea probleme de compatibilitate când este folosit cu versiuni recente ale WordPress.

Advanced Custom Fields: Real Media Library Folder Field


The plugin adds a custom field to select a folder of the Real Media Library in a field group of Advanced Custom Fields (ACF).

You can configure this field type with the following parameters:

  • Disable selection: Allows you to disable some folder types for selection (for example, no collections).
  • Return format: Get Real Media Library folder object or folder ID.


This plugin is an add-on that allows you to use the following plugins together, which must be installed:

Thanks to Jon Dennis who started the development of this add-on.

This plugin is a free micro add-on for Real Media Library with limited support.


  1. Go to your WordPress backend
  2. Navigate to „Plugins” > „Add New”
  3. Search for „Advanced Custom Fields (ACF): Real Media Library Folder Field”
  4. Install and activate the plugin
  5. Install Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
  6. Install Real Media Library from
  7. Create a field group in your Advanced Custom Fields!


16 iulie 2017 1 răspuns
Bought this plugin hoping that it can manage files on the server physically, as the „REAL” in the name name sugests. It was not clear to me when I read the description. The GUI is pretty nice but the file management is purely virtual what means that in fact all files stored reside in native WP directories, eg. 2017/05. I removed the plugin from the server and tried to get refeund for my purchase. My request was withdrawn. It is a strange policy since you cannot even test the plugin within your own environment. Other developers give you at least 8 days to test the full version of a plugin before purchase.
Citește toate cele 3 recenzii

Contributori și dezvoltatori

„Advanced Custom Fields: Real Media Library Folder Field” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.


Istoric modificări


  • Fixed bug with Real Media Library 4.7.6


  • Fixed bug with „Disable selection” (PHP warnings were generated)


  • Fixed bug with CSS/JS resources
  • Fixed bug with taxonomy field and RML field


  • Improved the select boxes (better UX)


  • Added option to select multiple folders
  • Added compatibility for ACF 4


  • Initial Release.