

Acest modul a fost închis la data de 29 iunie 2024 și nu mai este disponibil pentru descărcare. Această închidere este permanentă. Motiv: Cerere autor.


9 februarie 2017 1 răspuns
Hi there! I have installed and run a ssl certificate and after this photon was still working. But i have installed your plugin anyway… so, my question is: is your plugin still necessary to run photon under an ssl site? Thanks!! Update february 9, 2017: If you’re using Jetpack version 3.9 or later, there’s no reason to use this plugin.
3 septembrie 2016
We were adding the same line of code to several client sites that we had converted to HTTPS. It seemed like a good opportunity to make a small contribution by releasing our first plugin. Please let us know if you find it useful.
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„Accept HTTPS with Jetpack Photon and Tiled Galleries” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.
